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"I like my patients to stand up for the contouring," she says.
Why, the number of round contouring hairbrushes alone - you don't want to know.
Doctors said body contouring can help restore patients' health.
Some health researchers are questioning whether body contouring is growing too fast, without a medical consensus on its risks and benefits.
The cost of gum contouring depends on the extent of the work being done.
The edges of the body have all been left square, with no contouring, lending the guitar a very sharply-defined profile.
Paul was having a tough time himself supervising the contouring of the land around the three-tier pool Stephen had eventually commissioned.
The neighbors' initial concern was about the potentially dangerous dust that would be stirred up by the contouring of the slag.
In addition to scars, body contouring can also cause fluid buildup under the skin, infections, open wounds and dead skin.
The word streamlining, taken from engineering, is commonly defined as "the contouring of a body to reduce its resistance to motion through a fluid."
Mr. Cunningham's painterly lighting is particularly integral to the nuanced contouring of the production.
The edges of the solid alder body are smoothly rounded at the front but squared off on the back, with no comfy contouring.
Today in most cases there are several possibilities: crown, composite resin bonding, cosmetic contouring or orthodontics.
The cloth-upholstered front seats have little obvious contouring, but turn out to be supportive and comfortable just the same - a vital factor in this duty.
His cleaned-up drawings minimize the art's bewildering ambiguity and the contouring or the cave architecture organic to many compositions.
The ice of the plateau was layered much like the laminated sand below them, with wide bands of dirty pink contouring across cleaner stuff.
Its centrebody houses the combustion chamber (much like the Astrium design mentioned below) allowing for a reduction in length, beyond that of the improved contouring.
The art of contouring brings life everywhere: each phrase has its direction; the placement of melodic and rhythmic accents is deftly varied.
Back at the body end, the contouring and cutaways are in keeping with Ibanez's lean and mean approach, with easy access to the top frets.
In reference to the Stratocaster's "Custom Contouring", he once said, "It fits better to your body like a well tailored shirt should."
Arthur scrambled up on to one end of the excitingly chunky pieces of moulded contouring where the curve of the wall met the ceiling.
Among sculptures, Philip Grausman's polished bronze head, "Mikey," impresses with its simplified but subtle contouring.
When discussing fixed pixel displays, such as LCD and plasma televisions, this effect is referred to as false contouring.
Contoured Greens Tillinghast's genius was in the contouring of greens to make holes difficult without abundant length, narrow fairways, or hazards.