The smart controller determines current conditions by means of historic weather data for the local area, a soil moisture sensors (water potential or water content), weather station, or a combination of these.
Two spacewalks are planned during the mission, with a third possible if controllers determine that the Discovery has enough power and oxygen for an extra day at the station.
The data output of the onboard telemetry computers was limited during the night to conserve energy, so controllers could not determine the exact cause of the leak without awaking the crew.
The feedback then builds a digital footprint based on social data, and the controller of the social digital footprint data can determine who and why people purchase and behave.
Two limit switches are frequently included such that on power-up the controller can determine if the encoder is at an end-of-travel and in which direction to drive the axis.
Federal investigators today continued to interview controllers to determine why one control station passed the plane on to another station without fully explaining that its fuel was running low.
The controller determines which device on the PCI device has priority to send data to the CPU.
If it hits an adversary, a shrill beep is emitted; controllers determine whether the target has been wounded or killed.
The central controller can also determine which way a person is facing by analyzing the pattern of receivers that detected the ultrasonic signal and the strength of the signal.
The sensor's controller can determine the location of the touch indirectly from the change in the capacitance as measured from the four corners of the panel.