At minimum, controllers will monitor 2187.5 kHz and 8414.5 kHz and one more band.
Pitch control - The turbine's electronic controller monitors the turbine's power output.
Another controller, the INCO, monitors the spacecraft's communications and instrumentation.
The controllers monitor dedicated precision approach radar systems, to determine the precise course and altitude of approaching aircraft.
The controller can monitor and control each light by means of a bi-directional data exchange.
The radar station allows controllers in Montreal to monitor the steady stream of transatlantic air traffic over northern Quebec.
"Turning south," the controller reported-unnecessarily, as four separate people were now monitoring the progress of the inbounds.
The controller monitors the speed sensors at all times.
With this setup, the controller monitors each wheel individually to make sure it is achieving maximum braking force.
The rocket-firing to slow down the craft was to last 16 minutes, but controllers could monitor only the first 5 minutes.