Marketers, for their part, see a golden opportunity to rise above the cacophony and convince consumers that they should buy a product.
So, the company offered a 10-year warranty, hoping to convince consumers that they need not be concerned about reliability.
How do we convince consumers that buying a "sustainable" brand provides them more value than the alternative, which is often cheaper?
The foundation hopes to convince consumers and lawmakers that there are cultural costs to giving copyright holders too much power.
Initially, at least, Ovonic needs to convince manufacturers rather than consumers that its new battery is worth the cost.
The company needed to convince consumers that its products, notoriously poor in their early years in the American market, had become better.
In this confused landscape, companies need to convince consumers every month that their programming is worth the fee.
Marketers have spent millions trying to convince consumers of just that.
Organizations spend billions of dollars each year in an attempt to convince consumers that their operations have a minimal impact on the environment.
Drug makers spent $298 million in the first 11 months of 2005 to convince consumers that the sleep aids are safe and effective.