In a relaxed and convivial mood, customers eat strolling or sitting at makeshift tables, with much back-and-forth chatting.
Things were coming together just fine . . . His spectacular handling of the flying-horse and its faultless performance put the Iron Masters in a convivial mood.
He was in a merry mood, witty and convivial, but the Spartan sensed a tension behind the good humour.
All around the green, the feast took on a more convivial mood, as everyone awaited the appearance of the Saint John's bread, sweet little barley cakes taken with wine.
More particularly, her parentage," she began tentatively, unwilling to spoil his convivial mood.
Wariness and suspicion had cast a shadow over the convivial mood they had so briefly shared.
Everyone was in a convivial mood, and the performers frequently conversed, reminisced and greeted colleagues in the audience.
Dave was in another of his convivial moods.
On this day, Oct. 1, Tietmeyer and his colleagues are in a convivial but somewhat defensive mood.
The convivial mood in which Sassinak and Lunzie had first made their plans to combine forces against the planet pirates had long since evaporated.