The film group spokesman said Cadillac had signed a multi-year cooperation deal with the studio, not solely for the film.
In October 1987, Cafaro told prosecutors that he was breaking his cooperation deal because of fear for his immediate family.
That means the nuclear cooperation deal can be preserved, provided North Korea stops work on the new site.
But the prosecutors say some of those seven jailhouse informers, too, are liars who may have been out to get cooperation deals themselves.
In Russia, which has signed a $40 billion cooperation deal with Iraq, many pundits predict calamity if war comes, while others see silver linings.
He was heavily involved in France-Iraq nuclear cooperation deal.
Earlier this year, Douglas testified as part of a cooperation deal with the government at a drug supplier's trial.
In October 2012 a cooperation deal was signed in Tokyo.
Russia, in particular, needs to pull back from its unwise nuclear cooperation deal with Iran.
Piracy continues to exist in China but Google have since announced a cooperation deal offering free listening and genuine music copies.