The menu here has been thoughtfully and creatively designed and the food is exceptionally well prepared.
I think promotions can be designed creatively and to be supportive of the brand image at the point of sale.
Teachers take pride in displaying student work through creatively designed bulletin boards, which not only beautify the school, but also enhance the learning environment.
The learning material is meticulously researched, creatively designed, visualized and rendered to ensure maximum impact.
Celtic ceramics and pottery were also creatively designed, and they mastered the art of producing glass.
Jumper courses often are colorful, and at times, quite creatively designed.
Even the advertisements at the back of each issue were creatively designed and presented, often by Stieglitz himself.
A creatively designed partnership can fill real business needs and pressing societal needs simultaneously.
In jumping competition, they are often brightly colored and creatively designed.
Frequently made of cast iron, mechanical banks were often creatively designed, depicting historical, legendary or everyday events to increase their appeal.