He publicly criticized some NGO's and figures in the civil society for being sympathetic towards the Maoists.
Mr. Fernandez also wrote an autobiography in which he criticized powerful political figures and disclosed that he had been a heroin user as a teen-ager.
While he criticized Stalin and other communist figures, he also believed that the United States was overreacting to the danger of communism.
He subsequently made a series of statements in interviews criticizing prominent figures of the Malayalam film industry.
In the United States, by contrast, libel laws place the burden of proof on the plaintiff and provide special protection for speech criticizing public figures.
Cornell explained that the lyrics criticize public figures who use religion (particularly the image of Jesus Christ) to portray themselves as being persecuted.
Most of the media companies practice heavy self-censorship, and are banned by law from criticising public figures.
He goes on to criticise several public figures for laying the blame for the incident on Rushdie himself.
The paper has criticized figures such as Che Guevara and his idea of armed struggle.
Human Rights Watch stated that Badawi's website had hosted material criticizing "senior religious figures".