For consumers, the bottom line in the current squabble is that cars are unlikely to get much cheaper anytime soon.
But the current squabble, he warned on Wednesday, is "headed down the road to disaster if there isn't a solution in the next couple of days."
Brits should keep this in mind before they hope the current squabble between Cameron and Clegg brings down the current government and forces new elections: be careful what you wish for.
A current squabble with Libya means visas for citizens of that country are not being issued by Switzerland.
How much the current squabbles reflect personal, ideological or political rivalries within New York's Republican Party and its Congressional delegation is hard to gauge.
He said the current squabble hinted at the deeper fissures between the countries and, perhaps, a test of wills between the leaders.
In the realm of current cultural-heritage squabbles, the Poles have a respectable argument, he said: "It's not as though the Poles went to Berlin and took the collection."
Their current squabble is mainly about 23 maintenance slots the company does not want to fill.
Neighbors say Gramercy Park's significance is grander in dimension than the current squabble.
They see poetic injustice in the current squabble, since their founder, Sam Perelli, was a voluble tax opponent who happened to be a fisherman and local resident.