A shadow puppet is a cut-out figure held between a source of light and a translucent screen.
It is also not obvious that Jean Dubuffet's white cut-out figures with black designs from 1969 should be called "The Group of Trees."
Two larger-than-life cut-out figures sit up in their bed and on their blank pasteboard heads are superimposed cinematic faces.
Its brightly coloured cut-out figures seemed so much more three-dimensional than some of the "real" people on other channels.
Shadow puppets are cut-out figures which are held between a source of light and a translucent screen or scrim.
In the drawing room Michael and Maria stood like cut-out figures in their dark servile clothes.
They added elaborate effects to the scrolling paint-and-cloth panoramas: cut-out figures moving across the scene, accompanied by music, lighting and sound effects.
What little motion necessary was done with hinged cut-out figures animated by stop-motion.
A series of deep shelves held dusty cardboard models of theater sets with cut-out figures to show the effect of the costumes against the scenery.
Alongside the graceful, lightly colored woodcuts are witty, standing cut-out figures of the artist's wife, Ada.