A "Flat Stan" downloadable cutout figure was made available, to get Cardinals fans to take their pictures with Musial's caracature, and send them in as petitions.
The stage teems with dolls and doubles: sometimes characters are represented by singers, dancers, child alter egos, stiff cutout figures and rag dolls.
One painting vied for attention with a cutout figure advertising a $3 million Lotto jackpot, while "For Rent" signs appeared both on store windows and in a painting or two.
A "Flat Stan" downloadable cutout figure was made available to encourage Cardinals fans to take a photo with Musial's caricature and send them in as petitions.
"As you can see I am holding what appears to be a cutout figure made of thin metal of some kind, of a sort of rodent, a mouse maybe."
By 2007, a Toledo, Ohio firm had manufactured over 1,000 of the cutout figures.
In the Robbins image the skeletal head of a cutout graffitilike figure is detached from its body.
Even the cutout figure of a French chef outside the door is a reminder of times past.
Soon he would populate these models with cutout figures.
The 15-by-10-foot sculpture, by the artist Elizabeth Catlett, features a cutout figure of a walking man through which the river can be seen.