That, more than thought of the supercrooks, inspired The Shadow to his dangerous descent.
If the Dragon came for them, they would not have to make the long, cold, dangerous descent in the growing shadows of nightfall.
At the end of the dangerous descent, she reaches her friend and hears her say, "It wasn't an accident."
Slowly he began the dangerous descent into the gorge between the peaks.
His Huey was sailing in at a fast, steady, dangerous descent.
They fell, Wirenth making no attempt to stop their dangerous descent.
As we made our way down the winding and dangerous descent, there was no opportunity for a private conversation.
Then, rifle in hand, he began the dangerous descent to the camp so far below.
In order to gain access to the bottom of the falls and its pool, a very rugged and dangerous descent is required.
He thought the animal's fear was due to the memory of that dangerous descent down the cliff.