Among the customers was the dapper figure of Lamont Cranston.
A slight, dapper figure stood for a moment at the threshold.
A dapper figure, he still glides smoothly around the ring, seemingly always within inches of the ropes.
A tall slender very dapper figure ascended the four or five steps to the stage in front and went to the podium.
A short, dapper figure, he turned his lack of inches to positive advantage, and audiences took to him everywhere.
In his place appeared a more dapper figure.
Once more, he was the dapper figure of Kent Allard.
He sat alone at the bar, a dapper figure in a navy suit, gold cuff links and a red handkerchief.
IN the street far below, a dapper figure was climbing into a taxicab.
He wore light grey trousers of a local cut, and made a dapper figure.