With Perry she has daughter Zoe (1984) (named after her great-aunt) and the two subsequently divorced.
His daughter Zoe was in the same class as Jake before the school closed.
I never thought about it again until one day last week when my daughter Zoe came home looking sick.
Atlas (the General of the Titans) kills his daughter Zoë by throwing her against rocks.
They have two children together, a daughter Zoe (born 2008) and a son Ezra (born 2010).
Jared knew that being green wasn't right, his lab was three levels down from where he was, and that his daughter Zoe was dead.
He is survived by his wife Barbara, son Jason, daughter Zoe and other beloved family members.
When my daughter Zoe heard the idea, she said, "Can I call my friends right now and ask them to come over to help?"
After the mysterious death of her husband, a fellow Inspector, Vera raises her daughter Zoe alone.
Vera is having an affair with the State's attorney and has to be lectured by her daughter Zoe that he's a married man.