The series debuted on Cartoon Network on December 6, 2002, and aired its final episode on January 25, 2008.
Also in 2008, Patito Feo debuted on Cartoon Network in Spain.
Samurai Jack officially debuted on Cartoon Network on August 10, 2001, with the three-part special "The Beginning".
The fourth series, Fantastic Four: World's Greatest Heroes, debuted on September 2, 2006, on Cartoon Network and ran for 26 episodes.
A younger version of Bugs is the main character of Baby Looney Tunes, which debuted on Cartoon Network in 2002.
In August 2008, Warner Bros announced a multi-platform release featuring new comedy shorts and music videos that debuted on Cartoon Network starting September 2, 2008.
The series debuted on Cartoon Network on December 26, 2007, and has been shown on NickToons in the UK since February 2008.
Bulkhead is a main character in the Transformers Animated series that debuted in 2007 on Cartoon Network.
The short debuted on Cartoon Network on January 27, 2006.
The film debuted on Cartoon Network on August 31, 2007, with a September 4, 2007, release date for the DVD.