His eyes were not what they used to be, but again he saw a shimmer of delicate movement.
The first delicate movement of the blade left a thin red line on her back.
The Widdoes was a delicate single movement for flute and guitar.
With a delicate movement of his fingers, he opened a rip in reality, searching for the kittens' mother.
He stared straight ahead, adjusting the wheel with delicate movements.
Suddenly, with an incredibly quick, delicate movement, he put his arms round her and drew her to him.
Singh made short, delicate movements, his fingers jutting in the air.
We all have hands, yet no one thinks of using them to convey absolute expression through their delicate movements.
I need more delicate movements, but there is no time for delicacy.
Who but Ashton would have thought of giving this country yokel so delicate a movement?