Prior to this date Fisher had denounced various abuses in the church, urging the need of disciplinary reforms.
The penalty was commuted to 20 years in prison, when he returned stolen money and denounce other abuses.
As a result, even some representatives of the Russian federal authorities-usually reluctant to denounce abuses by their forces-expressed outrage over the incident.
Meanwhile, the 11th Parliament met in January 1831 and Mackenzie continued to denounce abuses in the province.
Six former party officials were placed under house arrest after they signed a letter last April denouncing abuses by the dictatorship.
Urban planning: denouncing urbanistic abuses and the unsustainability of the modern urbanistic model.
Father Rada denounced abuses committed by Spanish authorities against the local population and reported these to Philip ll.
The doctors felt that aid organizations were too slow to bring medical relief and suffered from restrictions that kept them from denouncing abuses.
So the creation last year of an independent agency empowered to denounce any and all abuses aroused considerable curiosity and even some hope.
He denounces abuses by health maintenance organizations and banks.