But, (perhaps unbeknownst to viewer) at the same time, technology was depriving consumers of a vital source of product information and cultural relevance.
Instead of protecting competition, the Chicago scholars concluded, the courts were depriving consumers of the benefits of lower prices.
Rather than deprive consumers of potential options, the thinking goes, mega-mergers can create companies powerful enough to invade one another's markets and bring competition to the masses.
None of this mollified Microsoft, which said the commission's ruling would stifle innovation and deprive consumers of choices.
Substituting water and sugar for pure juice deprives consumers of certain nutrients, in some instances significant amounts.
He said it might "deprive consumers of the benefit of the commission's independence, expertise and knowledge."
But as the Commission considers these sweeteners to be fundamentally safe, there are no reasons to deprive consumers and the food industry of their use.
Our common aim is not to deprive vulnerable consumers of protection by directive.
It would have been monstrous to have done what the Commission and Council were close to doing - simply depriving consumers of choice.
Without that definition of affordability it really does deprive consumers of a sound legal base with which to defend their interests.