The designers claimed that the original design would not fall over, but the engineers argued otherwise and were eventually proven right.
The bedroom, the designers claim, is a man's version of what a woman really wants: soft, but tailored.
How many other designers can claim an allegiance on a par with that of a national sport?
The designers claim this anchors the field to create a solid, even structure with good drainage and 'playing comfort'.
The designers claim the result is better edge holding and easier turning.
The designers claim that allows the ski to slice through snow better.
The major American designers claim to feel no competition from one another, each content with his or her band of loyalists.
Reported construction time is 400-600 hours, although the designer claims 350 hours.
Ultz is a stage name, which the designer claims he received in a dream.
Some of these programs may even work half as well as their designers claim they do.