It pulled together with conviction themes that other designers have introduced in a more diffuse manner.
In the last two years, the number of fashion Web sites has grown, but no designer had yet introduced a line there.
WITH the fall fashion season just starting, several retailers and designers are introducing campaigns for their lines.
In 1967, the designer introduced his own ready-to-wear, labeled Couture Future, for department stores.
By the time the last designers had introduced their collections in New York on Friday, the mood and the perception had changed.
Double coats are a good idea that the designer has introduced before.
Other designers were introducing their couture collections, and Mr. Montana had nothing to do.
They were wearing clothes the 56-year-old designer had introduced over the last three decades.
At certain other times, as part of a retro movement, designers introduced a revival of 1930s elegance.
So far the designer has introduced five different collections.