The designers for the MK 108 opted for a short barrel, permitting a light bolt and a fairly high rate of fire.
The case's designers opted against shielding the screen, leaving it vulnerable to scratches.
Many designers opted to not only market online but also sell exclusively online.
When weight is not a crucial consideration, the designer can opt for heavier power plants that have special advantages.
Taihō's aviation fuel tanks were only partially protected with armor, as naval designers opted earlier to devote greater protection to their carriers' bomb and torpedo magazines.
Its designers reportedly saw the building as a giant sphere hanging over the Thames, but opted for a more conventionally rooted building instead.
Instead, designers are opting for safety in numbers that have already been tested - by parents.
To avoid grappling with the existing conditions, the Home Depot's designer opted for what he called a neutral look.
Faced with branding a holding company with an intentionally vague mission," he said, "the designers probably opted to explore a lot of purely abstract marks.
In trying to undo the jaded esthetic that Mr. Ford has wrought, some designers have opted for ultra-romantic and ultra-ornamental.