While designers and manufacturers strive to ship merchandise earlier each year, shoppers have been buying closer to seasonal need.
Like the seeker of a new apartment or spouse, the motor home's designers have striven to avoid the flaws of the earlier models.
As one graphic design expert stated, it achieved "an enviable goal that most graphic designers strive to accomplish with any logo they design."
There is a desperation about the way European designers are striving to renew fashion for spring and summer.
The outward simplicity that designers are striving to achieve is deceptive; the cut of the clothes is artfully complex.
Don't designers of commercial questionnaires, however, strive to avoid misunderstanding?
The designers have striven to make a new package look recognizably and reassuringly like the old one.
Inside, it was obvious the designer had striven for intimacy and achieved only gloom.
Toward that end, designers strive not so much for what will appeal to children, but for what mothers think will appeal to their children.
For decades, designers strove to add more dimples to a ball's surface, and innovation stopped once they'd covered 65 to 75 percent of the ball.