The scene before them was like something from the most desolate reaches of the Abyss.
The white dwarf had no name, just a number assigned by astronomers as they charted the desolate reaches of space beyond the Federation.
Along the way he captured the world's attention by performing a stunning rescue of his fellow competitor Isabelle Autissier, who had capsized in the desolate reaches of the Southern Ocean.
She said she grew up in the desolate northern reaches of the country known as the Wanni.
There have been many tales about his birth in the 1730's, and legend still has him prowling the desolate reaches of the Pine Barrens.
The hard-luck towns in the desolate reaches of western South Dakota have been banking on plans to build a physics laboratory in an abandoned, flooded gold mine called Homestake as their path to economic rebirth.
He wanted it; and suddenly all the farthest, most desolate reaches of Mars became his special joy.
The grey of the dawn, the far, desolate reaches of the fenland smitten with winter, the sea-meadows rank with herbage, were stark enough to rejoice his soul.
The corporal had dropped me off at what he said was his favorite interchange: two great cross-Europe highways meeting and intertwining in a desolate reach of rural Germany.
That night, Travis dreamed that Nora and Einstein were lost in the desolate reaches of the Mojave.