Despite this conservative development paradigm the Slackware team aims to deliver up-to-date software, on at least an annual basis.
However, the 1970s saw a transformation in development theory that sought to incorporate women into existing development paradigms.
Many multi-threaded development paradigms introduce overhead, and will not see a linear increase in speed vs number of processors.
The starting point is no less than a radical change in the development paradigm.
Financing a new development paradigm in the Amazon is relatively low in cost compared to the environmental services produced by its standing forest ecosystems.
Design patterns can speed up the development process by providing tested, proven development paradigms.
It is directly intended for enterprise Web application development using the newest development paradigms.
A development paradigm where software development is downsized and minor features are dropped in order to meet a schedule.
Deconstructing gender and development paradigm for identities of women.
Using Agile Applications development paradigms, a set of services can be built to address business specific functional components.