Is the Regent on the level with us or is this just some devilish trick?
This is some devilish trick you have devised in order to ruin me.
As he prepared to enter her Blade wondered, for one sickening moment, if this was another of Honcho's devilish tricks.
The shock of the broken glass and the letter had sent a fever through her brain, so that her mind was playing devilish tricks on her.
Or did he only think of this devilish trick later, and have to go and fetch the shaft for his purpose?
When they were children, he had always been up to some devilish trick or adventure, and she'd never been surprised by anything he'd done.
Is it a miracle or a devilish trick?
You're not Customs men, or is this a devilish trick?
He had simply worked one of his devilish tricks on me, and got rid of me, as he thought, by getting me absorbed in my helicopter.
Is it all a devilish trick--a snare arranged in joke?