The truth was that Spence had been suffering a serious diabetic condition.
He was, though, to die just a few months later, aged 39, from complications arising from his diabetic condition.
Prosecutors also called a witness who said he received money for vote-hauling even though he could not drive because of a diabetic condition.
There also is known to be at least one detainee with a potentially life-threatening diabetic condition.
Then Frank's diabetic condition worsened and life turned unbearable.
He died in 1996 of heart failure complicated by a diabetic condition.
(One of Jim's sisters had to be rushed to hospital with a critical diabetic condition.)
She was getting insulin shots for her diabetic condition.
By the end of the year, Elliott began to suffer seizures from his diabetic condition that left him unable to perform.
Mr. Gorbachev has a diabetic condition, and he takes only a glass of wine on holidays.