The seven diabetic subjects receiving insulin were excluded from the correlation analyses with these variables.
Also the studies shows the increase of glucose tolerance in both diabetic subjects and subjects without diabetes.
Similar relationships may be of equal importance in the diabetic subject.
HDL-cholesterol may also be a predictor with an inverse relationship, particularly in female diabetic subjects.
Therefore other metabolic abnormalities have been sought in diabetic subjects which might contribute to the increased vascular risk.
This technique has been applied to the study of platelet function in diabetic subjects (Jones et al, 1985).
Several studies have attempted to assess whether there is evidence of increased circulating platelet aggregates in diabetic subjects.
Initial reports of β-thromboglobulin levels in diabetic subjects were conflicting.
It is obviously difficult to study arterial prostacyclin production in diabetic subjects.
These measurements were available in 49 of the diabetic subjects studied by Betteridge et al(1981).