Norwegian dictionaries since the 1950s have mentioned Vaaler as the inventor of the paper clip,"Binders" 'Aschehougs konversasjonsleksikon', Oslo 1975, vol.
The dictionary does not mention any specific derivation.
Unfortunately, while dictionaries mention the most common denotations or main meanings we associate with words they normally ignore value connotation.
Norwegian dictionaries since the 1950s have mentioned Vaaler as the inventor of the paper clip, and that myth later found its way into international dictionaries and much of the international literature on paper clips.
All 9 Japanese-English dictionaries mention "passion" or "passions."
New Dictionary, a short story by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. in his collection Welcome to the Monkey House, notes Von Braun as one of the things an old dictionary does not mention.
The online dictionary Grand dictionnaire terminologique of the Office québécois de la langue française mentions only a territorial meaning for Québécois.
Name dictionaries mention several first sources:
The standard German etymological dictionary mentions it, but adds that the root for "man" was independent even in Indo-European times.
Al-Bakri's dictionary mentioned on page 75.