Despite the disparate artists involved, Pitchfork stated "[t]his piecemeal patchwork of tracks hangs together amazingly well as a front-to-back album."
That two such disparate artists are friends is a sign of a genuine community.
The exhibition is at heart a tribute to the Arensbergs' role as the glue that binded these disparate artists.
What these disparate artists have in common is a record label.
And what do these disparate artists have in common?
These disparate artists at least share one trait, a reputation among their fans for holding nothing back.
He has been compared to widely disparate artists, most frequently Neil Young, Elliot Smith and Serge Gainsbourg.
In his latest curatorial exercise, the artist Robert Gober coaxes an amazing range of evocations from a spare, tellingly installed selection of works by five disparate artists.
Usually such exhibitions herd together disparate artists with any amount of Native American blood in their veins, the idea being that the appellation belongs to anyone who claims the ancestry.
The three disparate artists whose work shares this gallery have created a harmonious installation.