When Stern came into power, the S.E.I.U. represented a disparate coalition of local unions that identified themselves by different names and maintained separate identities.
Thus was formed the backbone of one of the oddest, most disparate coalitions in recent Albany memory.
And a disparate coalition of human rights advocates and death penalty opponents has converged on Texas this week to trumpet his cause.
But the problem is this: George Bush has projected many different versions of George Bush over the years, trying to court and hold a disparate coalition.
But other members of the disparate coalition clearly have different ideas.
But he warned that "personal ambitions and mutual intolerance" within his disparate coalition could still undermine a majority government and leave him to chance a minority government.
And in the months after the plebiscite, he gathered the pieces of the disparate coalition into his hands and won its presidential endorsement.
The Arrow Cross obtained most of its support from a disparate coalition of military officers, soldiers, nationalists and agricultural workers.
It occurred at a particularly sensitive moment, with Washington trying to hold together a disparate coalition against international terrorism that includes Arab nations as well as Israel.
Bryan rarely emphasized other issues than silver; leader of a disparate coalition linked by the silver question, he feared alienating some of his supporters.