Disparate data models, when instantiated as databases, form disparate databases.
Since the constituent database systems remain autonomous, a federated database system is a contrastable alternative to the (sometimes daunting) task of merging several disparate databases.
The Autonomy software will make it possible to build automatically updated indexes of disparate databases that are now maintained separately by different government agencies.
In addition to combining disparate databases, the company also develops its software.
One solution is to recast disparate databases to integrate these databases without the need for ETL.
CiteLink visualizes targeted information and links entities stored inside disparate databases and open information sources.
The company depends on Web services technology to link the specialized software and disparate databases of dealers, credit bureaus, banks and auto finance companies.
The big part of it is that computers are really adept at taking disparate databases and cross-referencing and drawing a picture of somebody.
To illustrate her point, Ms. Shaw described how a volunteer, a manager in the hospitality industry, recently pulled disparate databases and segmented voters for follow-up direct-marketing efforts.
These disparate databases proliferated, each with its own guidelines and policies, and Mr. Garfinkle's database nation was born.