It has been used for production of such disparate items as vessels/bowls, pipes, cooking slabs, and sculptures.
But designers and shop owners say that putting disparate items together is harder than it seems.
It will be at Sotheby's, starting with a champagne buffet at 6 and moving on to an auction of widely disparate items and events.
There were several other disparate items of equipment.
It travels light, in physical terms, though each individual work may be made up of a hundred or more disparate items.
The more than 200 disparate items are mixed eclectically.
Hearst's mind worked rather like a newspaper's front page, a number of disparate items crowded together, some in larger type than others.
But it was the first time they had heard these disparate items fitted into a coherent hypothesis.
These are not a random collection of disparate items.
However, this still does not help in managing related data, as disparate items do not have any relationships defined.