From Capitol Hill to the Washington suburbs, trace quantities of anthrax - or worse - have now been found in 11 disparate locations.
"The establishment of unofficial labor unions, bringing together activist intellectuals with workers from disparate locations, would alter the situation greatly," she said.
The Internet has also allowed other marketplaces to thrive by connecting buyers and sellers from disparate locations.
Collaboration software allows users from disparate locations to keep all communications, documents & drawings, forms and data, amongst other types of electronic file, in one place.
Petroleum reserves were very large at the time but of varying quality and in disparate locations.
We have made recordings at disparate locations of travel stories or book reviews to be played in context; a bringing to life of the paper through sound.
Corday lived and tattooed in several, disparate locations.
The massive parties were taking place every weekend now from such disparate locations as outdoor fields to aeroplane hangers and hilltops that surround the valley.
Another major addition to the university is the Art and Design Academy, which replaced the previous disparate locations of the department.
Four old crosses stand at disparate locations around the estate.