The installation invited the viewer/participant to negotiate his or her own path through a seemingly random assortment of images and ideas, echoing the mental processes which create free associations between disparate phenomena which so fascinate Tyson.
John Willman of the Financial Times describes it as "a deeply flawed work that blends together disparate phenomena to create a beguiling - but ultimately dishonest- argument."
Professor Thorkild Jacobsen has said with regard to it, 'This myth endeavours to trace a causal unity among many disparate phenomena, but it is a unity causal in the mythopoeic sense only.
It is a pliable medium that can be easily understood and often has the stunning effect of uniting many disparate phenomena simply through the abutting placement of scissored elements.
The physical sciences had developed quite dramatically in the previous half-century, when such apparently disparate phenomena as heat and energy were unified by the laws of thermodynamics, while electricity, magnetism and even light itself converged towards a single analytical model.
Kramer wrote, "Lacking the dynamic that propels Sacks's other work, Musicophilia threatens to disintegrate into a catalogue of disparate phenomena."
The concept of the spectacle brings together and explains a wide range of apparently disparate phenomena.
The term gives order to a hodgepodge of disparate phenomena.
Mr. Killen's free-associative book is smart and insightful, but at times succumbs to grandiosity, trying too hard to turn disparate phenomena into representative tropes.
"La valeur historique est nulle") for adding up deaths due to disparate phenomena (Fr.