The chorus line made up of disparate types can be good fun for a while, but the "demon divas" are wildly overused.
But on the floor at Java One, it was clear that the most exciting news was about applications that let disparate types of devices talk to each other.
Rather, it is a general categorization referring to disparate types of musical expression over centuries of musical evolution.
One half of me enjoys a house party, preferably of disparate types, because Emma is very good at the whole thing and it's always well constructed and delicious.
It appears that a similar molecular mechanism is involved for widely disparate types of animals, including arthropods as well as vertebrates.
Some French musical entrepreneurs have marketed it mercilessly in Europe; albums featuring wildly disparate types of music are sold under the name lambada.
Jean Feinberg offers two disparate types of work.
We have so far demonstrated that disparate types of data display power-law behavior.
A blending of disparate types (nations, regions, ingredients) of cooking.
Since the magazine covers several disparate types of personal computer and a great variety of software, the results may tell something about the computer-using public as a whole.