Debs did not attend; he saw his mission as keeping the disparate units together in the hope that someday a common goal would be found.
The military, he said, is still going through growing pains in consolidating and coordinating all the disparate units that have responsibility for dealing with terrorist attacks.
Most notably, he reorganized the many disparate units of the Office into four divisions - Cataloging, Examining, Reference, and Service.
"It's not an organization that's very structured, it's a collection of disparate units that act relatively autonomously."
A commander has to coordinate disparate units from several countries, and diplomacy is needed, he said.
The normal us-them antipathy found among disparate units was down to the level of friendly joshing, so closely had the men trained and dedicated themselves.
At the end of the 19th century the disparate units across any field were instantaneously joined to their commanders by the invention and mass production of the radio.
By contrast however, "the story is well told", and Todd was impressed by the "three distinct playable factions in the game that employ wholly disparate units and structures".
These many disparate units are then formed into larger regiments as needed.
Air defense required direct control of assets spread out over disparate units; anti aircraft guns, radars, and interceptor aircraft were not under a unified command.