The artists have caught on to the short attention span and impatient gaze of people walking among hundreds of disparate works.
The program on Sunday, though, was a chamber concert that gave the impression of an intimate salon evening in which musicians read through disparate works that interest them.
The show includes several good examples from various periods, but this and other interesting relationships among seemingly disparate works are left unexplored.
Two more disparate works could hardly be imagined.
Or did Mr. Young go all out and stitch four disparate works together by chance procedures?
It was a concert of disparate but emotionally related works unlike any I had heard before.
Here we have two radically disparate works involving different timbres, attacks and mindsets, both within themselves and with each other.
Da Camera's favored approach to thematic programming is to draw together disparate works that have literary and intellectual connections, not necessarily musical ones.
The disparate works share a common feature: the fairies' morality is different from human sentimental do-goodism.
Had Mullins used the same title for two disparate works?