This seasonal influx brought enticing amounts of disposable cash into the area.
Nowadays, not even millionaires with vast amounts of disposable cash are safe in the Senate - a point that was abundantly clear in today's debate.
In large part, aging baby boomers who have free time and disposable cash.
We were at a time in our life where we had some disposable cash, and I felt like, let's get a cool car, a great car.
People who invest in these tend to have less disposable cash, so their losses are probably more dramatic for them.
It's a new company releasing a super-early product for early adopters who have the disposable cash.
Some bosses prefer airports, for the waiting travelers with disposable cash.
It doesn't sound much nowadays but believe me it was a long time before I had to much disposable cash in civvie street.
We don't have a lot of disposable cash for new equipment.
This is a major city with a lot of young people with a lot of disposable cash.