If such a crew is to be summoned to a distant asteroid, there may be less risky ways to divert the asteroid.
These Crystals are seen all over the galaxy, on Earth, distant asteroids and even Mars.
In 2046, an inmate named Corry is sentenced to solitary confinement on a distant asteroid for 50 years.
In the shadow of a distant asteroid, somewhere where no voidfaring silth bothered to go?
Are you afraid of a few Lunarians on a distant asteroid?
It would also provide experience needed for designing longer-duration habitats that would be needed for exploring Mars and more distant asteroids.
It looked like a distant asteroid.
During his escape, Kyne learns that evidence needed to clear his name can be found on the distant asteroid of Brataccas.
Launched in 1998, Deep Space 1 rendezvoused with a distant asteroid and then with a comet, proving that ion propulsion could be used for interplanetary travel.
They had come to this lab on a distant asteroid on the off chance something might go wrong.