Surely you've read the notices of these distorted figures.
Motion caught her attention; she turned and discovered a tall, thin, distorted figure dressed in a blue jumpsuit.
The distorted figure was repulsive, and the staring eyes blazed red.
He concentrated on one part that seemed to register less strongly, and succeeded in making out the distorted figure of a man.
As a fish might see a fisherman on the edge of a lake, I saw Brand: a dark, distorted figure, looking down.
There were many distorted figures lodged and packed into a room that was at the same time a-geographic.
Would I become one of those distorted figures like her, fading from one reality to another, never at rest?
The photos were taken from underneath the glass and depict the female figure very distorted.
She ran her hands over the weird carvings beneath the seats and took a few shots of the distorted figures.
A distorted figure was clambering from a tree on the other side of the vacant lot.