In comparison, students at the Whiting Lane School, whose district abuts Bugbee's, scored perceptibly lower the same year, even if it is still considered a strong school.
All four City Council members whose districts abut the park, including Speaker Gifford Miller, have supported a test of the ban.
The lone dissenter in the Council's vote here on Monday was Ted Hackworth, a Republican whose district abuts the suburbs.
The district also abuts the world famous Bronx Zoo and New York Botanical Garden .
Ms. Monahan also said a Congressional caucus, made up of members whose districts abut the Sound, was recently formed.
Mr. Levy was a county legislator for 15 years and his district abutted Mr. Caracappa's.
The district abuts to the north, the upmarket s'Agaró resort built round the Sant Pol Beach.
"My position is that particular location is an illegal location," said Assemblywoman Deborah J. Glick, a Democrat whose district abuts the site.
The money for the training center had been inserted by Mr. Brooks, the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee whose district abuts that of Mr. Wilson.
Abutting the district of Vegesack to the northwest is the district of Blumenthal, in the southeast the district of Burglesum.