The NPS was tasked with both preservation and tourism, two divergent goals that would prove divisive during the resurgence of the conservation movement in the 1940s and 1950s.
Although the two services had divergent goals, this did not affect the expedition adversely; its ultimate failure is ascribed to other causes.
However, the initial drafts often reflected divergent and inconsistent goals among its various agencies.
For decades both space programs have used virtually identical rockets, satellites and manned vehicles to pursue divergent goals.
Mr. Cheney said, however, they were not divergent goals.
The confederates were, however, of divergent goals and interests.
Despite the effort to describe the accord between the Government and Solidarity in a hopeful light, the divergent goals of the two sides remained.
But even if those divergent goals could be served, he goes on, "it is clear that this Court is not prepared to meet the challenge."
As the papacy of 78-year-old John Paul II enters its third decade, the Vatican appears to be pursuing divergent goals.
Fixed exchange rates could not forever bridge the gulf of divergent national goals.