Shaped partly by their divergent histories and partly by differing national cultures, British and American psychoanalysis became quite different enterprises.
But their narrative codes - owing partly to obvious differences of media, partly to their divergent histories - have grown further and further apart.
This difference is fundamental, inscribed in the two nations' divergent histories.
Their divergent history has already begun.
"Countdown" involves a group of heroes who must prevent a great disaster that will destroy the multiverse - a collection of Earths with divergent histories and champions.
However, the Chinese government has also designated as "Uyghur" certain peoples with significantly divergent histories and ancestries from the main group.
Europe's divergent national histories partly explain why the European Union's efforts to insert itself diplomatically into the Middle East have been so hapless.
I must be able to convince you--by actual example--that honorable, reasonable, and fascinatingly different alternatives could have produced a substantially divergent history of life not graced by human intelligence.
But the official pronouncements masked a deeper debate rooted in the divergent histories that Europe experienced in the wake of World War II.
Thus, because of the divergent history of the dialect, there can be subsets within larger classes (such as(Ε)) which do not vary in the same way as other items in the set.