Still, 85 percent of boys and 80 percent of girls interviewed in the door-to-door survey in August said they wanted to go back to class.
The door-to-door survey covered 861 stores and restaurants - about 75 percent of the area's retail establishments, the alliance said.
The village says now that many more businesses have closed the rate is worse, and it is conducting a door-to-door survey to prove it.
The study was based in part on a door-to-door survey and physical examinations of more than 1,800 residents of Beijing over 60.
A door-to-door survey that asks people about drugs and crime in the neighborhood can provide helpful information and identify people interested in a patrol.
Aid workers carried out a door-to-door survey of the missing, as anxious relatives feared the worst.
The study was based on a door-to-door survey of about a thousand households in 10 states with annual incomes below $15,000.
Nielsen's field agents conducted door-to-door surveys to estimate the New York area's Spanish-speaking population.
The findings were based on a door-to-door survey of a national sample of several thousand men and women.
Christo Walsh, who runs a shop and a pub, knows his market by making informal door-to-door surveys himself every few years.