The growing disparity is symbolized - and also dramatically simplified - by the fact that they are of different faiths.
He killed off weak products such as the Apple Newton, dramatically simplified the product line and started a process of creating eye-catching designs.
Today, researchers are using pictures and movies to dramatically simplify their answers and to give new insights into the formation of tornadoes.
This prevents customers from needing to perform complex integration work, and dramatically simplifies troubleshooting.
This dramatically simplifies the thought process for programming the movement of a claytronics matrix.
Together, these changes dramatically simplified the task of maintaining an accurate bombsight setting.
But there is one further step we should now undertake that will dramatically simplify the tax system.
But it is time we took this historic step to simplify dramatically our tax system and make it fit for the modern age.
First, we will dramatically simplify the administration of Gift Aid.
Spreadsheet 2000 attempted to dramatically simplify formula construction, but was generally not successful.