Serbian-sponsored ethnic cleansing still drives Muslims from their homes in northern Bosnia, swelling the tide of refugees.
Their charges are all linked to a campaign to drive Muslims from a Croatian state formed during the war in Bosnia.
Colonisation of minds has driven Muslims towards a state of moral and psychological decay.
In his manifesto he also urges the Hindus to drive Muslims out of India.
At their Godhra headquarters, they defended the anti-Muslim violence of last spring, and said their goal was to drive Muslims from government in India.
The killings in the Lasva Valley were part of a Croatian campaign to drive Muslims from the area.
Since early April, Serbian nationalists have used a policy they call ethnic cleansing to drive Muslims and Croats from wide areas of this newly independent country.
In a pattern that their nationalist fighters describe as "ethnic cleansing," Serbs have driven Muslims from wide swaths of the republic.
He oversaw the establishment of the enclave, armed and financed by Zagreb, and led a campaign to drive the Serbs and Muslims from the territory.
The manifesto urges the Hindu nationalists to drive Muslims out of India.