I was the malicious male-female dwarf figure, the principle of joy-in-destruction; and Saul was my counterpart, malefemale, my brother and my sister, and we were dancing in some open place, under enormous white buildings, which were filled with hideous, menacing, black machinery which held destruction.
Two days ago Gerald had expressed a wish that three dwarf figures which he had procured in Germany should be colored for him--he wanted them a cardinal red; now, this thought came to me again and again, and what I ended up in doing was to paint those figures.
The predator had entered the valley, a dwarf figure until the close-up lens magnified it to a comparative life-size, "That's the beast that ate Mabel and ..." "Can't be the same one ..." I realize that, but they are double-dangerous.
It is a highly ornate chaitya window crowned by masked demon head and dwarf figures.
In his film's final scene, dwarf figures representing Marx, Lenin, Brezhnev and Mikhail Gorbachev sit forlornly in an industrial waste site.
I could make out nothing in the dim half light, so edged back into the hall, the dwarf figure clumping mechanically after but pausing on the inner door's threshold.