Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Earnest was the reason we were still in the game at that point.
Call him man in his ideal, how earnest is he!
That contains an earnest of my good will, he said.
Here is gold in earnest of our good faith with you.
But I urged him again to tell me, as an earnest of good will.
This small form, the earnest of his future Kingdom, he would keep close by him.
He raised his small body from the bed in earnest of leaving that moment.
"We can take back an earnest of success in this gold."
It is a present to you on this day, in earnest of your expectations.
In earnest of which, he announced, I publicly set you all a further example.
Earnest named his program after the idea that people would run their fingers down the list to find what they were looking for.
"It would be an earnest of their new belief in international law," an American official said.
The centurion had been in earnest- she was certain of it.
She took his hand in her own, her pretty face earnest.
Whether talks will be carried out in earnest is unclear.
They will start work in earnest later this month.
But they were so big," the girl said, her face earnest.
A word in earnest is as good as a speech.
Earnest has also worked as an independent director around the United States.
"Was this not the card you were shown, in earnest of fair dealing?"
No one knows for sure how many Japanese have left, since the outflow began in earnest less than five years ago.
It was not long before Georgian nationalism in earnest began to make itself heard.
Earnest was called on to raise the first American flag during the national anthem.
Drink up, my boy, he urged Michael, as an earnest of his approval.
Earnest began playing soccer at the age of 16.