Allowing them to play in open space (so long as it is enclosed and safe) makes exercise fun and easy.
Walking is one of the easiest exercises for most people, but choosing a variety of activities may help you stay motivated.
Always warm up your muscles for 5 minutes with easy exercise such as walking and slowly moving your arms and legs.
After wake-up, the camp comes together for a quick game or some easy exercises before getting dressed.
The first exercise below-belly breathing-is simple to learn and easy to do.
Pain relief will allow you to move your neck gently, so you can begin easy exercises and start the healing process.
Pinpointing which positions were expendable did not turn out to be an easy exercise.
So if you crumbs want to give us a little easy exercise, go ahead; we'll be waiting for you.
He set off in that direction, stretching his sore muscles, glad of the easy exercise.
Let's start by giving you some easy exercises for practice.