I ate burritos in New Mexico, barbecue in Memphis and a steak the size of a hubcap in Minneapolis.
A few people sit in booths, eating burritos or hot dogs from the carwash cafe, while they watch their cars go past.
We ate enormous burritos and tacos made with the house specialty, carne seca (strips of beef marinated in lime and garlic, then sun-dried).
"First let's go to the store, then let's eat burritos"
"I want to learn to tap dance with a swing beat," he said, adding that he was not very good at Mexican dances, though, "I'm really good at eating burritos."
They may not look subversive sitting around a conference table dressed in T-shirts and jeans and eating burritos, but they are self-proclaimed saboteurs.
But my question is, if you're eating frozen burritos, do you care if they're vitamin packed?
The volunteers can't answer because they are all eating burritos.
"I used to always eat burritos in the Mission District from all the little taquerias," he remembered.
Across the street from the courthouse, about two dozen protesters ate burritos provided by their friends and recounted the hours they had spent at Pier 57.